Last edited 29 May 2024

Planning Statement

In the context of the UK Building Safety Act, the term "Planning Statement" typically refers to a document submitted as part of the planning application process for construction projects. While the Building Safety Act primarily focusses on building safety regulations, the planning process is a separate but interconnected aspect of construction projects.

A Planning Statement is a written document that accompanies a planning application and provides detailed information about the proposed development, its design rationale, and its compliance with relevant planning policies and regulations. It outlines the project's objectives, describes its design principles, and explains how it aligns with local planning policies, national planning guidelines, and other regulatory requirements.

The Planning Statement plays a crucial role in the planning process by providing decision-makers, such as local planning authorities and planning committees, with comprehensive information to assess the merits of the proposed development and make informed decisions regarding planning permission. While it is not directly governed by the Building Safety Act, the Planning Statement is an essential component of the broader regulatory framework governing construction projects in the UK.

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